Thursday, November 8, 2007

Sabrina Duck... Ashley Duck... Slashy..?

Ok, like I told Ashley I had to put up my duck picture too.

Quick story about my duck: I met him when I was vacationing in Hawaii a year or so ago. So it is possible that he is related to Ashley's duck. However, this duck is more from the prehistoric era, he is indeed part dinosaur. He is also part chicken, but mostly duck. That is how he got his name Slashy. He also tried to jump in our car when we were leaving and he would fetch sticks. Serious. I fell in love with him.
So the story of my duck had to be told, and it got me to post to my blog thing again!


Stef said...

man i'm starting to feel left out of this duck buisness! good job!

Jessica Kettle said...

This duck thing is getting out of control. You people are sick. Where do you find these things?!

Lindsey said...

ohh tracy!! you are back from the dead!! I am so glad to see you are still with us. I want to see pictures of your sweet face!! I miss it!! And I am with jess....give up on the ducks already!! let them be:) I think you all have a secret love with ducks....they are fantastic feathered friends...but so am I! Let this be your offical welcome back to blogging. You are a good person!!

Sabs said...

hooray for crazy ducks:) Ha ha glad I could start a trend and get you all to admitt you're just as odd as me:) Hey anything to get you posting again tracy! How are you? I heard about the fires and all how scary! THe duck got a post but not the fires? Hee hee you're funny:)

The Bay A's said...

So is the duck a male or female? Does it lay eggs? I know at some point that I would like to get chicken(s) so that I can have fresh eggs...okay so I want a farm with the animals and crops and everything!

Jessica Kettle said...

what the crap. are you ever going to blog again?! BTW I am coming to CA Wednesday the 6th of Feb!!!